
Jizerská 50 - SkiTour

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Tips and recommendations on how to manage Jizerska 50 and come back again next year

Soon many of you will stand at the start of the most famous Czech mass race. Some have trained diligently, others will set off without much ado (and without preparation), in any case they all want to enjoy the race whether as winners, losers or happy survivors. Here are a few pieces of advice on how not to underestimate the race and what to be most careful about.

A week before the start

Have you just signed up? Is it your first time on skis this year? Or do you feel that you didn’t do much during the festive season and during January? Don’t panic, you can’t catch up now, you should have started training much earlier, too much training would only make you tired and you wouldn’t have enough strength for the race. In short, a week before the race your form can only be tuned, which doesn’t mean that you’ll spend the whole week tuning it in bed, let alone in the pub, but with light short training sessions. You should also start going to bed early and stop overeating this week. You should also limit your beer and wine intake.

Recommendation: Don’t follow the weather forecast from Monday, you can get the best waxing advice from experienced experts on the spot.

One day before the race – Saturday

Don’t panic, trust yourself, or the experts from the local service stations. If it’s minus 10°C, you really can’t use red klister, even though some self-proclaimed expert says so on the radio. No one can tell you now on Saturday afternoon what the best wax for tomorrow morning is, because they don’t know. If you want to go skiing, go only for a short while and I repeat myself again - it’s too late for training. If you apply wax yourself, prepare your paraffins so that in the morning all you need to use is grip wax. Check the rubber band in your ski bindings, put stickers on your skis, check your poles and their baskets and wrist straps, try putting on your number and chip, prepare your drink and food for the next day. Have something light for dinner, beans or cabbage could cause unpleasant moments for you tomorrow. You won’t be able to sleep soundly if you have a large steak. Go to bed early; staying up late, drinking alcohol and having sex are definitely not recommended to men, however, for some women sex can have stimulating effect.

Recommendation: Carefully prepare your bag and all the things you’ll take to the start with you. Don’t forget things like glasses, gloves, hat, waxes, food and drink for before and during the race, a bidon, if you are taking it. And what about the boots, have you got them ready? And the number? The chip?

Before the race – Sunday

Get up in time, put on the clothes you will race in including the race number and chip. Put something else on on top of that so that you don’t get cold. Have your favourite, high-energy, but easily digestible breakfast (ideally yoghurt, cereals and fruit), drink a lot, at least half a litre. Try to drink some more before the race so that your body is properly hydrated. Try to arrive at the start with sufficient time reserve, ideally one and a half or two hours before the start so that you have time to warm up, wax or have someone wax your skis, or test and adapt your wax. Don’t go to the start line earlier than 30 minutes before the race, nor later than 15 minutes before. If possible, don’t take off your extra layer of clothing and try to move and keep your body in functional temperature up until the start. If you start with skis on, put them on about five minutes before the start, the poles as well, then slide your skis forwards and backwards a little so they don’t freeze to the snow. If you carry your skis at the start, at least put your pole straps on (but careful you don’t break them in the bustle). Decide in advance on the place you will run to to put them on when they let you out of the corridor. It’s definitely worth running extra ten metres and putting your skis on in a quiet spot rather than trying to put them on in the crowd. Whatever the case, your time is measured from the edge of the forest.

Recommendation: If possible relieve yourself in time, there’s usually no time for it on the trail and the results are indescribable...

Start – 0. km – 752 metres altitude

The most important thing for many. The best place is in the first line on the right and in the middle. A moment of concentration before the start shot and then whip up your body for maximum output. Then double pole like there’s no tomorrow. The objective is to be the first to get to the end of the stadium and the entry to the forest, if you manage that getting on the trail is fine. If you can’t do it, we recommend you go slower, let all other participants run off and thus avoid broken poles or other unpleasant collisions. The same holds for starting without skis on.

Recommendation: Keep moving until the last moment so that you stay warm and keep moving your skis after you put them on, or you’ll freeze to the spot. If you break your pole, there will be places on the trail where you can borrow one for free.

Nová Louka – 3. km – 784 metres altitude

After getting through the hollow way and the way to Buk comes the first downhill slope to Nová Louka where the trail crosses the road. The snow is always shovelled on so it is soft and it usually has totally different parameters to the snow around the road, so be careful your skis might edge or get stuck and you could fall as a result. There are three tracks on the trail and if you want to go faster, choose one on the sides, you might end up locked in from both sides if you ski in the middle.

Recommendation: When crossing the road follow the central track, it’s the most stable one.

Blatný rybník  - 4. km – 764 metres altitude

Here starts the first sharp and long ascent. Stay calm, the end is still far ahead and there’s no reason to go at full speed just because your greatest competitor has just overtaken you. Find your own pace, or the pace of a group that suits you and try to go up the hill comfortably and steadily. It’s normal that your skis sometimes slip, the track is smooth and it is always a bit slippery around Blatný rybník.

Recommendation: Push off properly on the hill and hide behind someone in the right track, it is shorter and you’ll go faster in the lee.

Kristiánov – 6. km – 812 metres altitude

The first refreshment station. If you already need to drink or eat, go in the side track here. Careful about possible collisions when arriving at or leaving the refreshment station, people often break their poles here. If you haven’t noticed yet, you’ve been going up hill for a bit and another chunk of uphill skiing is ahead – all the way to Rozmezí it’s almost 4 kilometres uphill with just one short flat stretch. Here you really start to race, there’s no time to ask who’s who. Don’t overdo it, but if you have any ambitions you’d better get the bit between your teeth.

Recommendation: Refreshing at six kilometres is almost useless, if you can, continue, the time you save by not going to the refreshments will come in handy.

Rozmezí – 9. km – 998 metres altitude

You’ve managed the first real climb and you are on the second highest point of the whole race. The first sprint bonus is located here too. Have you been thinking of it? Forget about it, it’s Stanislav Řezáč who collects all the financial prizes around the world. If you carry your own drink, have a sip, it is the right place here. Push off at the top and don’t curl in the tuck position immediately, it doesn’t go fast enough at the start so you first need to speed up a bit. The downhill slope is long, you can manage some double-poling at the top, but relax after that. The downhill turns right at the bottom so go in the right track – it’s shorter.

Recommendation: Try to be on top with a group so you don’t go down on your own, in long gentle downhill slopes it’s always faster to go in a group.

Knajpa – 11. km – 990 metres altitude

Speed it up thoroughly after the flat part, for after Kasárenská there is an unpredictable downhill ahead of you where there is often head wind, plus, depending on the snow, you can either get into a tuck and go all the way down, but at other times it’s necessary to double-pole all 4 kilometres like mad, so the rule that it is always faster in a group holds here even more, plus it saves your stamina.

Recommendation: Between Čihadla and Knajpa there is a 1-kilometre flat section so if you are on your own put all your effort into reaching the group before you. It will pay off.

Hraniční cesta – 16. km – 888 metres altitude

The second refreshment station, you should drink properly here, and you can eat a little. Careful about the sharp right turn after the refreshments, it usually requires two or three steps. After the long downhill section you will not feel like going on much, but trust me, Knížecí cesta is fine, even though it starts with a light uphill - the best skiers manage it with double poling. You should kick double pole, you won’t tire your untrained arms as much and you will also relax for a while from diagonal stride.

Recommendation: Take the drink or food in your hand and continue going for there is another 200 metres downhill so you can drink or eat while going down and waste no time.

Vlašský hřeben – 20. km – 941 metres altitude

The real racing starts here, for after the almost sleepy Knížecí cesta with the final downhill comes the very steep uphill part along Jezdecká cesta up to Vlašský hřeben. It’s an inconspicuous, but rather tough uphill stretch that gets even tougher at the end. Don’t overdo it.

Recommendation: The uphill doesn’t end at the top, but only when the downhill starts, so don’t slow down at the top and keep going for another 300 metres before the trail starts descending, you will gain a lot.

U Bunkru – 21. km – 903 metres altitude

A rather dangerous downhill stretch from Vlašský hřeben has two right turns that need a few steps or stem christie, those who will go through here later in the race should be really careful because the place is often worn out. It all ends with a right rectangular bend at U Bunkru where the trail crosses itself. There’s not much room for improvisation. Press photographers eager for a fall provide you with more courage.

Recommendation: It’s worth slowing down a bit before U Bunkru and going easily through the turn rather than coming in at full speed and ending up in the ditch or the trees.

Mořina – 23. km – 907 metres altitude

The second sprint bonus – what else to say, but congratulations in advance if your plan is to win it. It’s not yet a half of the race, but a person acquainted with the Jizerské mountains knows that the trail curves back under Bukovec and starts going back. That will surely energize you. Besides, the long and relatively safe downhill section to Jizerka is ahead of you, just watch out for the bridge over the stream, you might miss it.

Recommendation: An ideal place to drink your own drink, swallow a tablet against cramps or even some high-energy gel. Waste should be dropped in the waste zone.

Jizerka – 23.5 km- 852 metres altitude

After the long downhill stretch there is a nice surprise in the form of the third refreshment station full of food and drink. A short stopover is really worth it. If you haven’t had any refreshments yet, it should be an obligation now. Don’t rejoice for long though, right by the forest the unpleasant ascent back up to U Bunkru starts, especially the first 30 metres are really steep, then the trail evens out a little.

Recommendation: If you are already tired you can walk the steep 30 metres in herring bone style and then speed up again, you will lose less time than overdoing it and exhausting yourself on such a short stretch.

U Bunkru – 24.5 km – 903 metres altitude

And you’re back here again. Seeing a friend only just descending from Vlašský hřeben will help you get back on the track, unless it’s the other way round. Ahead of you is the unpredictable section along the Promenádní cesta where you see far ahead and it’s up and down all the time. I call it the roller-coaster.  There are four uphill parts in all and the worst one, as is often the case, is the last. The positive thing is that you’re already past the half of the race.

Recommendation: I recommend going most of the Promenádní cesta with kick double pole, it is certainly the fastest way.

Kiosek – 28.5 km – 930 metres altitude

You’ll pass it on the way down and there is a sharp left turn around it. The slope is not too dangerous, even though people go at quite a speed. What you should watch out for is the last right turn, it throws you off balance a little. Enjoy going down in a tuck, the next time will be after quite a while.

Recommendation: I recommend some of your own refreshments at the start of the downhill stretch. It will come in handy. Just don’t forget the waste zones and being mindful of nature.

Smědava – 30. km – 847 metres altitude

Another refreshment station. There are not many skiers who’d risk leaving this one out. The worst section of the trail is ahead. There is a 3-km-long uphill stretch ahead of you, the first half is more than steep, people often go up herring-bone style. The race is usually decided in this ascent, whoever is up to it, glides, whoever’s not, just stares. The uphill is not so bad, but it’s the thirtieth kilometre that takes its toll especially if your skis start sliding a bit. When you pass Pavlina louka, you’ve managed the worst, the terrain evens out a lot, but watch out, there’s often very strong headwind.

Recommendation: If you want to leave your opponents behind, this is the right spot. If you put your effort in here, hardly anyone can keep up with you.

Nad Knajpou – 33. km – 1.001 metres altitude

Careful, reaching Knajpa doesn’t mean you can start descending, instead you turn right towards Smědavská hora and there are further 200 metres of uphill. It is the highest point of the whole race. The positive thing is that on the Knajpa-Čihadla section you won’t meet anyone and the way to Čihadla is downhill so you can rest.

Recommendation: It pays to keep the pace and step on it all the way up and then have some refreshments at the start of the descent.

Na Žďárku – 36. km – 943 metres altitude

After a short relaxing bit another uphill stretch comes up in front of you. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it looks. It’s short and the best skiers manage to double pole all the way. Spare no effort, you need to go fast here, since a relaxing part is ahead. Be very careful at the end of the downhill section, there is probably the worst bend of the whole race. It is a left turn and it’s worth slowing down a little and do a few easy steps rather than going straight ahead into the waterfalls of Velký Štolpich. When you successfully go through the bend you’ll pass Tetřeví boudy and there is a long double poling stretch.

Recommendation: You don’t have to push off much at the top, you’ll glide down alright.

Krásná Máří – 38.5 km – 903 metres altitude

My favourite place on the trail. After the boredom of double poling through a dense forest come some fantastic views of Smrk and Hejnice, then of Oldřichovské sedlo and you are still gliding on the level. You are enjoying the scenery and suddenly you realize you’re already going down to Hřebínek. No need to worry here, this downhill is fine, so push off properly and set in a tuck.

Recommendation: In bends, move from track to track so that you always stay in the inner, that is the shortest, curve.

Hřebínek – 41. km – 835 metres altitude

The last refreshment spot is here and also lots of viewers. Have a drink and eat properly, there are still treacherous 9 kilometres left. It doesn’t look it, but there’s still a lot to lose or gain.

Recommendation: If the track is really fast, be careful at the bottom, there are crowds at the refreshment spot, so watch out you don’t hit someone or break your pole.

Bílá Kuchyně – 42. km – 822 metres altitude

It seems that it’s just a short distance from Hřebínek plus downhill, but I’ve seen people give up even here. The last 200 metres before Bílá Kuchyně is an unpleasant inconspicuous uphill stretch that can take away a lot of strength. And then it comes – a sharp left turn and a hill.

Recommendation: Take it easy from Hřebínek, there’s still enough time for the finishing sprint, you need to get to Bílá Kuchyně in a fine shape.

Olivetská hora – 43.5 km – 871 metres altitude

A very unpleasant uphill stretch, especially the first half; then the track levels a bit and the last steep hill is short, you can manage that. Anyway, whoever survives Olivetská hora with a smile on their face will keep it for the rest of the race. On the way down there is a steep and fast downhill section, but no need to worry, it’s okay. You should only be careful at the end of the flat bit when you start descending again, you need to go through two sharp left-hand turns.

Recommendation: Go up Olivetská hora easy, only when the flat stretch in the middle comes up, accelerate, you can keep it up all the way to the finish line.

Vládní - 46. km – 780 metres altitude

After going down Olivetská hora there is one more uphill, but not too long, it’s beautiful and  gradual, but if you are running on oxygen debt, it can give you a pretty hard time too. There is an especially long transition into level, it ends with a sharp rectangular turn to the left followed by some more slightly uphill stretch.

Recommendation: If you still have some strength left, you should slowly start spurting, this is the right place where you can overtake a lot of people.

U Buku – 48. km – 810 metres altitude

You’ve been here before today and it’s really the last uphill section. Don’t worry, it’s just a short bit and not steep. You can go up doing kick double pole. Muster all your strength and put it in this uphill, after this there is just the slope down to the stadium. You needn’t worry about the downhill, you can go all of it in a tuck.

Recommendation: Two more double poles at the top next to U Buku mean extra 20 metres at the bottom of the hill.

Dolina – 49. km – 758 metres altitude

Hurray, the stadium is in sight. You just need to go through the turn around the memorial and you’re entering the stadium. The number of onlookers in this spot is the highest, so if you can’t keep up any longer, their voice chords will certainly drive you to the finish. Smile along and wipe off any saliva, they’ll be taking pictures of you.

Recommendation: If you’re heading for the finish with someone else and you didn’t manage to overtake them before, wait, stay in second place and attack only at the entrance to the stadium. Then you need to be running for your life, put your heart in it and hope it will work out.

Finish – 50. km – 752 metres altitude

That’s it, it didn’t even hurt much. Congratulations, you’ve managed it. Whether you are content or disappointed, you deserve admiration. Enjoy it. Get changed, have something good to eat, a pint of beer will be good too. Let yourself be pampered, you deserve it.

Recommendation: Don’t overdo it with the beer, this race has been quite hard work for your body and if it was to metabolize ten Pilsners...

Evening after the race

A bath, a massage session, good dinner with beer or wine and going to sleep before you plan, it’ll go easy.

Recommendation: Gentlemen, don’t promise your partners too much in advance.

The following morning

You can’t get up, everything hurts, tying your shoelaces requires superhuman effort, you’re terribly hungry. Don’t worry, you’re not in it alone. Other five thousand participants feel similarly awful. See you next year at the starting line...

Skol, Mára.

Recommendation: Don’t say you won’t be going next year, you’ll be back anyway...



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ČSOB Jizerská 17

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General partner


Premium partner



    ČSOB + Mastercard

Main partners

    VW užitokové vozy

General media partner

    Česká televize

Main media partners


Main institutional partners

    Liberecký kraj
    Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj

official partner

    Generali Investments
    Česká mincovna

official suppliers

    Jizerská o.p.s.
    Johnny Servis

Media partners

    Kudy z nudy
    Liberecká drbna
    Liberec Český rozhlas
    Sport in Art



Part of the series

    Visma Ski Classic

institutional partner

    Jablonec nad Nisou
    Obec Bedřichov


    DB Schenker




    Asociace sportu pro radost

