9. 2. 2025
628 starting numbers remain.
SKI KLUB JIZERSKÁ PADESÁTKA z.s., with its registered office at Jablonecká 21, Liberec 1, Postal code 460 01, Identification no.: 41324471, entered in the register of associations administered by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, section L, file 377
Asociace sportu pro radost, z.s., IČ: 05580421, with its registered office at Přívozní 2a, 170 00 Prague 7, registered in the Commercial Register kept in Prague, Section L, Insert 67098.
RAUL s.r.o. with its registered office at Elišky Krásnohorské 5, Prague 1, Postal Code 110 00, Identification no.: 25608673; entered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, file no. C 54464
The organiser of the Jizerská 50 event reserves the right to disqualify from the race or, as the case may be, from the entire series any racer who demonstrably commits a breach of the rules defined by the Code of Ethics of the Czech Olympic Committee (here: http://www.olympic.cz/upload/files/EKODEX.pdf) (hereinafter referred to as the Code).
In the case of a particularly serious breach of the rules outlined in the Code, the organiser of the Jizerská 50 event reserves the right to ban the given racer from participation in later Jizerská 50 races. If the disqualified racer has already paid the starting fee for subsequent races at the time of disqualification, such starting fee will be forfeited to the organiser, which will use it at to its own discretion, especially, though not exclusively, as compensation for damage caused by the breach of the Code and for payment of the purchase price of the prizes for the winners of the children’s categories. The disqualified racer is not thereby released from personal responsibility for compensation for damage toward the entities incurring damage due to the racer’s breach of the Code. During the races of the Jizerská 50 event, racers are obligated to primarily comply with these rules; non-compliance with these rules could result in time penalisation or full disqualification:
Participants have the possibility to file complaints regarding the race result within five calendar days following the date of the race at the e-mail address info@jiz50.cz.
The organiser reserves the right to change the programme, instructions, these rules and conditions without prior notification.
In the event that we have to limit the capacity of the race to a lower number than the registered competitors due to covid-19, the previously registered competitors will have priority.
In Liberec, on 1 October 2024
Martin Koucký
9. 2. 2025
628 starting numbers remain.
8. 2. 2025
394 starting numbers remain.
8. 2. 2025
485 starting numbers remain.
7. 2. 2025
145 starting numbers remain.
6. 2. 2025
179 starting numbers remain.
6. 2. 2025
131 starting numbers remain.
7. 2. 2025
Information on registration can be found in the race propositions
7. 2. 2025
64 starting numbers remain.