1. 2. 2026
The organizers of the 57th ČEZ Jizerska 50 are in daily contact with the Czech Hydrometeorological Office. Meteorologists are expecting warmer temperatures with heavy rain in the Jizera Mountains this weekend. The situation is not expected to improve during the week, which is supposed to be one of the warmest of this winter. This weather development and the borderline condition of the trails threaten the organisation of this year's Jizerska 50.
Since the last information we released on Tuesday 30th January, another 3 days have passed and the planned start of the 57th ČEZ Jizerská 50 is less than a week away. The weather forecast is more certain and unfortunately more pessimistic than a few days ago. A warm and rainy weekend is to be followed by two cooler days. From Wednesday onwards, it should gradually warm up again. On Friday and Saturday, the forecast expects temperatures around 5-9 °C in Bedřichov and 3-6 °C in Jizerka. Due to the current condition of the ski tracks in the western part of the Jizera Mountains and the expected condition of those in the eastern Jizera Mountains, the organizers have to start considering the possibility of cancelling the whole event.
The trails in the Jizera Mountains are icy after persistent rains and become dangerous. Some sections are also completely impassable. The safety and comfort of the competitors is the organizers' top priority. The race could only take place if safely groomed tracks could be provided.
On Saturday, February 3, snow height measurement will take place on the tracks of the 57th ČEZ Jizera 50. In case of cancellation of the event, registered competitors will be entitled to a refund of up to 70% of the basic entry fee, thanks to the insurance from PVZP.
You can find the latest information on the Jizerska 50 social media.
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