Experience the virtual 54th edition of ČEZ Jizerská 50 and commemorate the 50 years of Peru Expedition Memorial
Unfortunately, only the professionals’ races were granted the exemption by the Czech Ministry of Health, but Jizerská 50 is unique mainly because of the participation of hobby skiers. For this reason, we decided to organize a virtual race thanks to which we will be able to continue in the more than 50-year history of Jizerská 50 at least at a distance and commemorate the climbers of the 1970 Peru Expedition.

We have prepared a virtual version of ČEZ Jizerská 50 for all our competitors, from 6th February to 28th February. All those registered for the 54th edition of the race are automatically registered for the virtual race too and they can soon expect their race package to arrive. Everyone will be sent a crystal medal, a start number, a memorial medal and many other gifts. We are starting to send out the race packages on Monday 8th February.
Why is it so great that we have the chance to compete virtually?
- Everyone can take part in their race anywhere in the world (not just in the Jizerské Mountains in the Czech Republic).
- You can take part in the race not just on skis, but also doing another form of activity (cycling, skating, running, walking or any other way).
- You can share your performance with others through the ČEZ Jizerská 50 club in the Strava app!
- Every week and every weekend you can also win prizes from T-Mobile on Strava for all individual Jizerská 50 courses
- By our joint effort we’ll celebrate the memory of the 1970 Peru Expedition climbers in whose memory the race has been organised for 50 years.
- Your participation automatically makes you part of the great draw for prizes from our partners. Their list will soon appear on the web.
- If you upload your photo together with your performance we’ll automatically enter you in the prize draw from T-Mobile.
- The race is part of the Worldloppet Virtual Racing League so you’ll be part of a worldwide community of cross-country skiers. You can also sign up to any other race in the world.
- You will also receive an electronic diploma for your performance and free performance analysis from Generali Investments.
The virtual race also represents a chance for all so-far unregistered skiers to register now in sportID. Read more about the virtual race, its rules and instructions here.