9. 2. 2025
1347 starting numbers remain.
Thanks to cooperation with the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, you can find updated weather on the main page of www.jiz50.cz where you can find the current temperatures from four places of Jizerská 50 and also the snow depth in Bedřichov, Rozmezí and Jizerka.
Temperature data is updated every half hour, snow depth data from the Rozmezí and Jizerka stations are updated once per hour. The snow depth in Bedřichov is measured manually at climatological station of Bedřichov dam (Black Nisa) daily at 7 o'clock and the information on the website is updated between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. The values are also include the symbol of the trend indicator.
Pošli článek dál
9. 2. 2025
1347 starting numbers remain.
8. 2. 2025
598 starting numbers remain.
8. 2. 2025
756 starting numbers remain.
7. 2. 2025
255 starting numbers remain.
6. 2. 2025
302 starting numbers remain.
6. 2. 2025
217 starting numbers remain.
7. 2. 2025
Registrations will be open soon
7. 2. 2025
82 starting numbers remain.