9. 2. 2025
1173 starting numbers remain.
Short highlights from 43. Patria Direct Jizerska 50 2010 - Kratky videosestrih toho nejlepsiho ze 43. Jizerske 50 v behu na lyzich v roce 2010 - www.jiz50.cz
9. 2. 2025
1173 starting numbers remain.
8. 2. 2025
559 starting numbers remain.
8. 2. 2025
730 starting numbers remain.
7. 2. 2025
251 starting numbers remain.
6. 2. 2025
292 starting numbers remain.
6. 2. 2025
203 starting numbers remain.
7. 2. 2025
Information on registration can be found in the race propositions
7. 2. 2025
81 starting numbers remain.