
Jizerská 50 - SkiTour

CGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o.
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ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION Sports Association for Joy, z. s.


Sports Association for Joy, z. s.


Club name: Sports Association for Joy, z.s.  

Registered office of the Club: Prague


I. Basic Provisions

  1. Sports Association for Joy, z.s. (hereinafter also referred to as the “Club”) is an association pursuant to Section 214 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, in which natural and legal persons voluntarily associate for the purpose of mutual cooperation defined below by these Articles of Association.
  2. The Club has the status of a legal entity and acts in legal relations in its own name and holds its own responsibility in connection with these legal relations.
  3. The Club is not liable for the obligations of its members and vice versa.
  4. The Club recognizes the legal, organizational and financial autonomy of its members.

II.  Objectives and Responsibilities

  1. The objective (purpose) of the Club is to protect the interests of its members and create conditions for their activities, especially in the field of sports.
  2. For this purpose, the following main activities are carried out by the Club:
    1. it promotes sport and a healthy lifestyle;
    2. it helps to organize sporting events or it organizes them itself;
    3. it supports child and youth sports activities with a particular focus on their daily sports activities, especially in the form of training units;
    4. it cooperates with other entities operating in the field of sport;
    5. it provides for the maintenance and operation of sports facilities used by children and youth;
    6. it manages the assets of the Club.
  3. An ancillary activity of the Club may be an economic activity consisting of carrying on business or other gainful activity if its purpose is to support the main activity or to use the assets of the Club economically. The Club may establish business companies or enter into companies or legal entities with a different legal form or manage the movable and immovable property of the Club which the Club manages in its own interests and interest of its members.


III. Membership

  1. Any person who agrees with the Articles of Association and fulfils other conditions of membership stipulated by these Articles of Association may become a member of the Club.
  2. Membership in the Club is voluntary and is established by decision of the Presidium of the Club on admission as a member of the Association, on the basis of a written or electronic application, the payment of a membership fee and the registration of a member in the Club register.
  3. An application for membership in the Club for persons under the age of 15 must be filed by his/her legal guardian and/or a representative of the sports team/club within which the child associates for sports activities and which has the consent of the child's legal guardian for registration.
  4. There is no legal entitlement to membership in the Club. The membership fee and its maturity is set by the Presidium for each calendar year according to the needs of the Club.
  5. Natural and legal persons can become members of the Club. A natural or legal person who is already a member of Svaz lyžařů České republiky, z.s. (Czech Ski, hereinafter referred to as “SLCR”) or holds membership in an association that is a member of the SLCR cannot become a member of the Club.
  6. Membership in the Club shall terminate:
    1. by resignation of a member on the basis of a written notice delivered to the Presidium, with effect from the date on which the Presidium takes note of the resignation;
    2. by exclusion of a member without stating a reason or for failing to fulfil the basic obligations referred to in Article III (8) of these Articles of Association; the Presidium decides on the exclusion of a member of the Club;
    3. by termination of a member – legal person;
    4. by death of a member – physical person;
    5. by termination of the Club.
  7. The Club maintains a list of its members. Entries and deletions in the list of members are made by the Presidium electronically. The membership list is not public.
  8. By joining the Club, all members of the Club expressly consent to the acquisition and use of audio and video recordings, photographs, etc. The acquisition and use of records must not violate the personality rights of members of the Club, and especially not to interfere with their privacy. The acquisition and use of the records must comply with the Articles of Association and its objectives.
  9. Members of the Club have the following rights:
    1. to participate in all events organized by the Club according to their interests and abilities;
    2. participate in all the benefits of membership;
    3. to participate in the funds that the Club will receive in support of sport to the extent decided by the Presidium.
  10. Essential Obligations of the Members of the Club:
    1. to comply with the Articles of association and resolutions adopted by the Presidium;
    2. to pay membership fees in due and timely manner;
    3. to contribute through their actions and behaviour to the consolidation of Club unity and to follow the principles of sports ethics and cooperation and understanding among members.

IV. The Presidium:

  1. The Presidium is the governing body of the Club.
  2. The Presidium has 3 members who are elected by the Presidium and whose term of office is five years.
  3. The Presidium members elect a chairperson from amongst them, who is the head of the Presidium.
  4. Each member is entitled to resign from the Presidium without restriction.
  5. If the membership in the Presidium terminates in any way, the remaining members/member shall elect new members/member of the Presidium.
  6. In legal proceedings, the Club is represented by the Chairman together with one of the members of the Presidium.
  7. The Presidium meetings are convened by the Chairman of the Presidium by a written invitation sent by email to the Presidium members.
  8. The Chairman of the Presidium convenes the Presidium meeting as necessary, but at least once a year.
  9. The Presidium has a quorum if an absolute majority of all its members are present. The Presidium shall adopt resolutions by the majority of the present members, unless otherwise specified below. Each member has one vote.
  10. The Presidium may also adopt resolutions outside the meeting (per rollam) and the conditions of adopting resolutions per rollam are stipulated by the internal regulation of the Club.
  11. The Presidium decides on all matters of the Club, in particular decides exclusively on amendments to the Articles of Association, draws up the budget of the Club, approves the result of the Club management, evaluates the activities of other bodies of the Club and their members, decides on the dissolution of the Club or on its transformation, decides on the organizational structuring of the Club into individual professional sports sections according to individual sports disciplines etc.
  12. The Presidium is responsible for the proper management of the Club.
  13. The first Presidium members are:

V. Assets

  1. The resources of Club assets are mainly:
    1. membership fees;
    2. revenues generated by its own economic activities;
    3. revenues generated by advertisement activities;
    4. revenues from sponsors, charitable activities and gifts;
    5. revenues generated by events organized by the Club.
  2. The management of the Club is governed by the budget for the current calendar year.
  3. The Chairman of the Presidium handles the funds within the approved budget.

VI. Personal Data

  1. The Club is authorized to collect, maintain and process identification, contact and statistical details about its members or provided by its members, even through third parties, even in the case that these are personal data pursuant to special legal regulations, for the purpose of conducting Club activities, for the purpose of announcing sporting results, as well as for marketing activities related to Club activities.
  2. The Club is obligated to proceed in the collection of personal data as well as in their retention, processing and use in accordance with the applicable laws.
  3. A member of the Club is not authorized to process or use personal data about other members of the Club or to disclose or otherwise use such data without the prior written consent of the Presidium of the Club, which determines the scope and purpose of such processing.

VII. Final Provisions

  1. The Articles of Association of the Club may only be modified or amended or by a resolution of the Presidium.
  2. In the case that any provision of these Articles of Association becomes invalid and/or unenforceable, the validity, effectiveness and/ or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Articles of Association shall remain unaffected. In this case, the invalid, ineffective, and/or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by such a provision the economic effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the invalid, ineffective and/or unenforceable provision.


Prague 1.5.2020


Races 59th CEZ Jizerska 50


1. 2. 2026



31. 1. 2026



31. 1. 2026



30. 1. 2026



29. 1. 2026


Jizerská 17

29. 1. 2026



30. 1. 2026



30. 1. 2026



General partner


Premium partner


Main partners

    VW užitokové vozy
    Dr. Max

General media partner

    Česká televize

Main media partners


Main institutional partners

    Liberecký kraj
    Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj

official partner

    Generali Investments
    Česká mincovna

official suppliers

    Jizerská o.p.s.
    Svijany pivovar
    Johnny Servis

Media partners

    Kudy z nudy
    Liberecká drbna
    Liberec Český rozhlas
    Sport in Art


    Oblastní galerie Liberec

Part of the series

    Visma Ski Classic

institutional partner

    Jablonec nad Nisou
    Obec Bedřichov


    DB Schenker




    Asociace sportu pro radost

